Closing in on the gaps

Garry James
2 min readDec 11, 2023

Closing in on the gaps, giving way to a multicultural unity, a multicultural society

Closing in on the gaps

I recollect the days during Covid. It was 2 pm and we had our lunch box open and food shared (covid19 forced to have home food). A significant difference found was the regional specialization on food which reigned over certain recipe or dish being from North India or South India, a Punjabi, a Bengali or a Guajarati food was no more relevant or rather it did not exist. The Idli, dosa, Chhole, dokhla or the puran poli, baingan bartha came from the tiffin box to an absolute contrast to their own traditional foods. It was a mixed reaction, a surprise and pleasure. Each food tasted with the same aroma, finesse and all were relishing the food, perhaps also trying to identify for difference if any, compared to the traditional preparation, but surprisingly none existed. Thanks to the technology (the secret recipes have reached across boundaries) the “ready to use masalas” the awareness, understanding of the food, culture have reached every home courtesy you tube (you will be surprised by the host fan following). The individual cultural difference is fast melting and giving way to a huge multicultural society.

Similar changes are found in the thinking aspect from attires to relationships even in well guarded society. Any act initiated against the societal norms or in disparity to the belief of the tradition and societal norms has encountered violent opposition. Thanks to the warriors, their grit and courage, which brought in the changes, in-spite of facing the brunt of the guardians of the tradition and society.

The changes are being well accepted by new gen who found an unreciprocated vacuum. They have difficulty in accepting a non-scientific approach and have tried to amend them with the new practical approach or rather say a solution to the practical & present living. Inter-caste and inter-faith marriages are becoming more common and being accepted. Here comes the new gen thinking, which has given an opportunity to the enterprising minds. With the help of technology the new gen entrepreneurs are creating a path with a new dimensional thinking, alleviating minds. Surprisingly the same is being welcomed and accepted. The multiple matrimonial sites which have come up are examples of both an individualistic culture and metropolitan, so are multiple ecommerce site for fashion designer attires and accessories. The only tag attached to it as “Occasion”.

The individual or societal differences are melting, the boundaries are being erased. These trends are bringing together the clustered cultural societies under huge multicultural societies. We are moving to a cashless and also hopefully a boundary less society. The individual culture is respected & being observed, so are other culture being accepted with similar ease.




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